COVID 19 – The Basic Information You Need To Know

COVID 19 – The Basic Information You Need To Know

Many are panicking due to the uncertainty with COVID-19 and are emptying out stores. Getting your information right is important because media can make you lose your mind.

The most ridiculous social media post we’ve seen said “drinking 2 spoons of vinegar or water & salt within 24hrs of being exposed to the virus will eliminate the virus from spreading to your lungs”, as if! The information is evolving: in the meantime, follow the official government recommendations or information from globally recognised sources like Here are a few tips to help you and your family stay safe:


1. Stock up: primarily canned food as it lasts longer and other living essentials to last you and your family up to 30 days. This is in case of a lockdown to contain the virus in your town/city.

2. Avoid crowded environments: travel at non-peak hours. If it’s not essential to go anywhere, stay at home. Work remotely if possible, conduct online meetings via Zoom/Skype instead of face-to-face.

3. Hygiene: Wash your hands for up to 20 seconds with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. Avoid touching your face/mouth.


“Stay At Home, Protect The NHS, Save Lives”

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